Monday, September 14, 2015

Bubs at 18-19 months

He seriously loves ukuleles. He has been passionate about them for a while. He tries to find Jimmy's everyday and has a little purple toy one of his own.
He likes to wake up his sisters and family in the mornings. He is always so happy.
Carley's sleeping on our floor because we have visitors
Picking flowers in our lane. Another favorite of bubs'. He shows me he wants to go picking by not only pointing out to the lane, but also pretends to sniff a flower in his hand to signal to me what he wants. 
He also loves to push brooms and mops around

And likes to try on hats and helmets

Because he sees his sisters getting their hair brushed and done before school and church, he doesn't want to be left out, so I do his hair for him when he asks. He just sits down in front of me for his turn.
He also started nursery. When I first dropped him off, I stayed until he got a bit settled. Then, I snuck out. When I did, he kinda gave out a squeel, threw his puzzle piece, and then that was it. He continued to play. 

Nap time for us both

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