Monday, September 17, 2018


Her feet got REALLY swollen!
 So we played with the kiddos. Bubs loved riding the little electric car while Valen rode his scooter.

 And then that night, I was sleeping and Travis woke me up to tell me that Lin's water had broken. I was pretty tired and out-of-it from being up so much the night before so I told him to let me know how far apart her contractions were. He popped back into my room a minute later and said that Lin wanted to leave for the hospital right now. I grabbed a few things and we were out the door again. Her contractions were 1:45 apart again, but they were strong. I thought that she would still have a little while and told her to prepare for that. When we were still about 20-25 minutes away from the hospital, Lin said that she was feeling the urge to push. I texted her doctor for her and he texted back "No pushing!" and said that he would meet us at the hospital. Her doctor was in the lobby with a wheelchair when we pulled up. I helped Lin out of the car and she kept saying "Help me!" and "Don't touch me!" It was comical and pitiful at the same time. Once she was in the triage room, the nurse said she was 10 cm. Travis was allowed to go with her to the OR and I was told I had to wait until the epidural was in place and then they would let me back into the OR. I waited, all suited up, for the word to go back and in the mean time, I chatted with the triage nurse. Then (which I think was a heaven sent impression) mid conversation, the nurse decided to go check if I could go back. She let me know that she thought she saw a baby back there. I rushed back and Atlas had been born by just a minute or two. But I got to be there for Merek's birth. It was beautiful and amazing. My sister was a total champ. There wasn't even time for an epidural so she delivered both babies breech with no epidural!

 This doctor saved my sister from having a C-section. He was amazing!

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